The past perfect tense

The past perfect tense
   Subject + Had + Past participle + Complement
                        hula lr,d ;snqkd

       We use the verb “Had” and the Past participle For the Past perfect.

          I.            Somebody had done something.
hula lr,d ;snqkd

        II.            Something had done something
hula hula lr, ;snqkd

      III.            Something had happened.
hula isoaO fj,d ;snqkd

1.      The former president had ended the war.
ysgmq ckdêm;s hqoaOh wjika lr,d ;snqkd

2.      The mother had brought the foods in useful
wïud m%fhdackj;a wdldrfhka wdydr f.k;a ;snqkd

3.      He had understood her love
Tyq wehf.a wdorh f;areï wr.k ;snqkd

4.      They had misguided you since 2 year.
Tjqka Tnj wjqreÿfolla ;siafia fkdu. hj,d ;snqkd

5.      She had handed over the letter of resing to the office
weh ld¾hd,hg wiaùfï ,smh Nr§,d ;snqKd

6.      We had decided to recruit the new students
wms w¨;ska isiqka n`ojd.kak ;Srkh lr,d ;snqkd

7.      She had followed the course in hindi
weh mdGud,dj ysxÈfhka yodr,d ;snqkd
8.      Our teacher had talked with my friends yesterday.
wfma .=re;=ud Bfha uf.a hd¨fjd;a iu. l:d lr, ;snqKd

9.      The office manager had left the office after the interval
ld¾hd, l,ukdlre ùfõlhg miq ld¾hd,fhka msgù ;snqKd

10.  The cost of leaving had increased day by day
cSjk ùhou Èfkka Èk jeä fj,d ;snqKd

11. He  had participated to the interview last week
Tyq .sh i;sfha iïuql mÍlaIKhg iyN.S fj,d ;snqKd

12. The father had done over time on yesterday
;d;a;d Bfha O:T lr,d ;snqKd

13. he had met your fiancée  at  the bus halt
Tyqg Tnf.a wdorjka;sj nia kej;=ïmf,a§ uqk.eis,d ;snqKd

14. they had filed a  cause against me
Tjqka ug ùreoaOj kvqjla od,d ;snqKd

15. the mother had thanked your present
wïud Tnf.a ;E.a.g ia;+;s lr,d ;snqKd

Positive, Question, Negative, Negative question

P F     :  she had understood my emotions
        weh uf.a ye`.Sï f;areï wr.k ;snqKd

Q F    :  Had she understood my emotions?
        weh uf.a ye`.Sï f;areï wr.k ;snqKdo?

N f     :  she had not understood  my emotion
        weh uf.a ye`.Sï f;areï wr.k ;snqfKa kE

N Q F : hadn’t she  understood my emotion?

        weh uf.a ye`.Sï f;areï wr.k ;snqfka keoao?

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