The Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect Tense
Subject + Will have/Shall have + Past Participle + Complement
                             hula lr, ;sfhaù
Meaning :-
        i.            Somebody will have done something
hfula hula lr, ;sfhaù

     ii.            Something will have done something
    hula hula lr, ;sfhaù
   iii.            Something will have happened
hula isÿfj,d ;sfhaù

1.      She will have bought the ticket to matara.
weh ud;rg wjir m;%hla ñ,§.k ;sfhaù

2.      They will have reminded him about this.
Tjqka fï .ek Tyqg u;la lr, ;sfhaõ

3.      The friends will have enjoyed the holyday.
hd,qjka ksjdvq ld,fha ùfkdao fj,d ;sfhaù

4.      He will have signed an agreement with her.
Tyq weh;a iu. .sùiqula w;aika lr, ;sfhaù

5.      The children will have respected my parents’ wishes
YsIHhka jeäysáhkaf.a woyia j,g .re lr, ;sfhaù

6.      He will have returned by 5.00 to home.
Tyq my jk ùg ksjig wdmiq meñks,d ;sfhaù

7.      The mother will have prepared the diner.
wïud rd;%S wdydrh ms,sh, lr, ;sfhaù

8.      They will have made use of the opportunity.
Tjqka wjia:dfjka m%fhdack wrka ;sfhaù

9.      She will have decided the about this.
weh fï .ek ;SrKh lr, ;sfhaõ

10. Nimal will have written the letter in English.
ksu,a ,shqu bx.%Sisfhka ,sh,d ;sfhaù

11.  She will have selected him shirt.
weh Tyqf.a lñih f;dar,d ;sfhaù

12. He will have gone for an interview.
Tyq iïuqL mÍlaIKhla i`oyd .sys,a,d ;sfhaù

13. She will have applied for these vacancies.
weh mqrmamdvq i`oyd whÿï lr,d ;sfhaù

14. They will have gone for the lunch at 1 30 pm.
Tjqka tlhs ;syg oj,a wdydrh i`oyd .syska ;sfhaù

15. He will have met my friend at the bus halt.
Tyqg nia kej;=ïmf,a§ uf.a hd¨jd uqK .eys,d ;sfhaù

Positive, Negative, Question and Negative Question
P F       :  The government will have presented the new budget.
              rch w¨;a whjehla bÈßm;a lr, ;sfhaù

Q   F    :  Will the government have presented the new budget?
              rch w¨;a whjehla bÈßm;a lr, ;sfhaùo?

N F      :  The Government will not have presented the new budgets.
              rch w¨;a whjehla bÈßm;a lr, fkd;sfhaù

N Q F  :  Won’t the government have presented the new budgets?

              rch w¨;a whjehla bÈßm;a lr, fkd;sfhaùo?

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